

问:写一篇关于“living in a big city”的英语作文,
  1. 答:living in a big city
    i live in a big city which is impresive beauty,and mulit-national culture as well as increasing number of people.
    I like living in a big city, which makes my life very convenience.For instance. I can buy erverything i like in the supermarket. i can receive a high quality education in school.
    Hoerve, there is many unforeseen and unpredictable proplem in my city.More and more people go to my city to find a job because of high salary.The increasing people make our city dirty and crowd.
问:求写篇英语作文 Living in Big Cities
  1. 答:Living in big city we can get more chances to fing a job,we can buy things conveniently,wen can have more wonderful life.
    Living in big city we can't get fresh air,in big city the traffic is very busy,in big city we often lose our job easily.
  2. 答:这位同毕码学,你是北邮世纪学院的同学吧?下面的答案我让扮都记录下来了,如果在坦数灶考试中发现有雷同作文,我将取消你的试卷平分资格,请你自己以自己的水平作答!!
问:I like living in city 英语作文
  1. 答:Hello! I'm XXX. I like living in the city. I think it is beautiful and prosperous place. There, I can go shopping, and can eat a variety of Food. In summer, I can swim in the sea, pick up shells. In the big city, I feel the happiness and joy. I like living in a big city. Do you have any idea?
